In this era of globalization, most people make caffeine their loyal company day in, day out to stay alert while working. Caffeine is also well-known among adolescents and young adults to burn the midnight oil or during their café hunting endeavors.
Caffeine is a natural stimulant that is widely consumed all over the world. It mainly stimulates our brain by blocking the effects of neurotransmitter adenosine that cause sleepiness and fatigue. As a result, it helps us to stay awake and prevent exhaustion.
Caffeine is usually found in plants including tea leaves and cocoa beans. There are also synthetically formed caffeine that has been added in some food, drinks, tablets and supplements. Therefore, try to avoid these caffeinated foods and drinks six hours prior to sleep to prevent trouble sleeping.
As we all know, consumption of caffeine has often been related to sleep problems, increased case of heart palpitations and anxiety. Nonetheless, research found that it also has various health benefits.
A study reported that caffeine may improve alertness and decrease fatigue. Besides, caffeine has been linked to decrease risk of depression and suicide (Walter, 2022).
Due to caffeine’s ability to stimulate the central nervous system, it may aid in boosting metabolism and promote fat burning. However, these effects are likely to remain small over the long term (Tabrizi et al. 2019). Another study also found that caffeine may decrease appetite which can slightly help in reducing weight gain (Walter, 2022).
It is reported that small amount of caffeine consumed before exercise can possibly show an acute increase in exercise performance (Diaz-Lara et al. 2022).
Several studies reported that regular consumption of caffeine may decrease the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, endometrial cancer, liver cancer, gall-stones and gall-bladder cancers (Walter, 2022).
Note: The health benefits of caffeine are influenced by the amount of caffeine intake and physical condition of the consumer as well.
Excess consumption of caffeine is substantially associated with various side effects on our health.
Caffeine may also interact with calcium and iron absorption that may lead to calcium and iron deficiency. Besides, it can interact with some medications causing it to limit the effectiveness of certain medications. Thus, medications and caffeinated food and drinks should be taken separately.
Note: Caffeine affects individual differently. Some individual may experience the symptoms above with a small intake of caffeine within short period of time and vice versa.
It is considered safe for healthy adults to consume 400 mg of caffeine a day (FDA 2018).
As for pregnant women, you are advised to limit your caffeine intake (≤ 200 mg per day) as it can easily cross the placenta which results in increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight.
A moderate amount of caffeine for Individual A may feel like a high dose for Individual B. In conclusion, every individual has different caffeine tolerance.
Moderation is the key. Consume caffeine in moderation (≤400mg caffeine per day) so that you can enjoy the health benefits of caffeine without incurring it negative impact. You may also consider other ways to stay energized throughout the day by getting 7-8 hours of sleep per night and exercise regularly. If you have trouble staying awake and frequently feel tired, consult a doctor/physician for further assistance.
Diaz-Lara, J., Grgic, J., Detanico, D., Botella, J., Jiménez, S. L. & Del Coso, J. 2022. Effects of acute caffeine intake on combat sports performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition: 1-16.
FDA. 2018. How much caffeine is too much? updates/spilling-beans-how-much-caffeine-too-much [3 May 2023].
Saimaiti, A., Zhou, D.D., Li, J., Xiong, R.G., Gan, R.Y., Huang, S.Y., Shang, A., Zhao, C.N., Li, H.Y. & Li, H.B. 2022. Dietary sources, health benefits, and risks of caffeine. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition: 1-19.
Saleem, A. R., Iftikhar, R., Kazmi, S. M. A. & Majeed, A. 2022. Effects of caffeine on mood, memory and attention. Pakistan Journal of Medical & Health Sciences 16(10): 541- 541.
Tabrizi, R., Saneei, P., Lankarani, K. B., Akbari, M., Kolahdooz, F., Esmaillzadeh, A., Nadi- Ravandi, S., Mazoochi, M. & Asemi, Z. 2019. The effects of caffeine intake on weight loss: a systematic review and dos-response meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 59(16): 2688-2696.
Walter, K. 2022. Caffeine and health. JAMA 327(7): 693-693.